Thursday, July 21, 2011


I know that if I just don't start writing I'll always have an excuse to not start. There's so much that has happened since my last blog entry. I have some writings from school that I'd eventually like to post, but for now I just need to start posting. Otherwise, years will go by and a rush of events, experiences and thoughts will just slip on by.
2010 has got to be the most amazing year in my life thus far. On April 17th I got bapatized by by Pastor Dale Vallejo-Sanderson of Wellspring Covenent Church. On May 13th I gratuated from culinary school from Kapiolani Community College. And on July 4th Jodi and I got married at the Foster Botanical Gardens with an awesome reception at the Pacific Aviation Museum on Ford Island. Three HUGE events in 2010 and we're just past the half way point.
It's amazing to me. I'm so thankful and humbled for all that God has done in my life. These past few months has been a harvesting of God's love and grace for me. Since starting culinary school my renewed relationship with God has produced a renewed life - a degree, a career, a vision, pasision, new love, and an amazing wife.
So what's next... Plans for New York are in the making. Why New York? About a year ago I believe God called me and Jodi to New York. Since then I've been excited, but I still questioned why and how? Do I go to Culinary Institute o America? Do I go and work in the city? And how? With what money? As of now I still have a little bit of that anxiety and fear. But, I have total faith in my Lord that he will direct out path and place each step ahead of us as the time is right. "Faith the size of a mustard seed..." is all Jesus asks us. Not a.... Lychee seed, peach seed, or a avocado seed. Just a mustard seed, and anything is possible. My life's events this year may seem like normal events to most people. But at one point I didn't see it possible! But my faith in Jesus Christ has lead me, and is leading me into amazing directions!